Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Princess AddieWe couldn't help ourselves

We are at 4 months and 2 weeks. AJ is a rolling fool. You put him down and he rolls all over and if he is not rollong, he gets up on his knees and face and scoots around. He could get anywere he wanted if he knew what he was doing. I have to watch him close or he rolls into things and bonks his head. He trys to get out of the bumbo seat. He grabs things off the counters and the floor when he is in it. (Not that I put him on raised surfaces, that is aginast the rules) He is getting so quick. We went to dinner last week and he grabbed Josh's water glass and dumped the whole (full) glass in Josh's lap. I couldn't stop laughing! AJ has decided he will no longer take bottles. It has made for some interesting feeding times with AJ nursing and Addie with a bottle. He still gets up once a night. He is not a big laugher and will just out- of- the blue laugh at something you do. If you do it again he will usually laugh again, but not a third time. He is a great smiler though and smiles at everyone.
Addison is so sweet! She is my chubbiest baby. She has a whole roll on her thighs and at least 2 chins and check out those cheeks! Even though she has stayed about a pound less than AJ, Everybody asks if she is bigger. She is cuddly and such a daddy's girl. When she gets tired, I just have to put her in her bed on her side and pop in the binky and she goes right to sleep. This is the only time she will now take the binky, which is fine with me. She is quite the talker and laughs all the time. She rolls over, but does not like to be on her stomach, it usually makes her spit-up, so I can't blame her. She has not yet mastered rolling from her stomach to her back. She puts up with her brother always rolling into her, grabbing her and trying to eat her. She lets you know when she is hungry. She is pretty good to wait for her bottle to heat up, at least for me. When Josh has her she will throw quite a fit while he is trying to heat up a bottle. She seems to think that Josh should be able to heat it up faster than anyone else. She is still sleeping through the night. She goes down about 8:30pm and up at 6am. Her hair all fell out at about 2 months, but has grown back and gotten longer. She has quite the fuzzy head.
I started them on rice cereal. AJ is loving it and you cannot get it in him fast enough. Addison is not quite ready for it. She doesn't like it and we only get about 3 or 4 spoonful's in her mouth before she is crying. She doesn't get that much in her tummy.
They are such a joy and such hard work all at the same time. We love them so much!

I don't know what possessed me that day, but I let Cassady put a red streak in her hair, when we were doing Kylee's. Jordan got one too. It was cute, but I am glad it is almost gone.Cassady Ipoding it with Uncle Trevor. It was so funny to listen to them singing the songs together. Although Trevor was good at the 80's music he needs to brush up on his High School Musical. We love you Uncle Trevor, even if you don't know all the cool songs!

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