Sunday, June 14, 2009

We made it!!!!


Last week was our first crazy week, alone. Jordan and Kylee went to girl's camp. While I was excited for Kylee to go for the first time. I was missing being able to go. This was the first time in 3 years that I haven't been. Not only that, but my mom also went to girls camp the same week. So she couldn't come up here. I told CarrieAnn(the camp director and across the street friend) that she took my girls and Cass's little friend (Porter, her son) away for the week and I couldn't call her for help. Her and Beth did an awesome job with camp even though it rained, all the girls had a great time! Thanks Beth and CarrieAnn for giving my girls that great experiance.

Really the babies were good. Cass helped out a lot! I felt bad for Jordan and Kylee and all the girls, because it rained the whole time. The rain kept Cass in the house too.

My washing machine broke. It was a hose, but it leaked all over the floor in the bathroom. Josh did get it fixed, but it took awhile to find the problem and get the part and find the time to fix it. He has no time, when he comes home he takes babies. I am so grateful to him.
On Wednesday, I spent the afternoon at Jodi's doing baby laundry. Both babies have had diarrhea that leaked out all the time and we were out of Addie jammies. It has been cold so we needed Jammies. Then that night Justin and Jodi fed us Pork taco's. Yummy!!! They held babies while we ate! Thanks Justin and Jodi!
Our fence was still not done! Finally on Friday the guy showed up and finished the fence. We still have no gates though. Hoping that they will not take another 2 weeks.
After all that rain our roof started leaking AGAIN! It has been a few years since it leaked and warped our floor and damaged the walls. I did get my hardwood floors out of it, but it wasn't suppose to leak again. I poked a hole in the ceiling to hopefully let it leak out there and not run down the walls and under the floor. We have been catching the water with a gallon pitcher. Some day Josh is going to get up on the roof and replace the shingles in that whole area, since it is leaking a different place this time, but it has to stop raining.
By the end of the week I hated water. Whether it was leaking from the clouds or the ceiling or washer machine.
We survived! Next time, in 2 weeks, I will not have Cassie to put in bink's, talk to, shake rattles, or stand by the twins. Every time I think we can't do this with the babies, we do it and it is easier than I think. We have been blessed to live in this awesome neighborhood with the best of friends, who help out so much.
We finally had some sun today and Cass and I went for a bike ride. I miss riding my bike. We rode our bikes everywhere we went last summer. This year that won't happen. It felt good to be out riding even if it was just a little ride around the church and our neighborhood. Next summer when the babies can sit up and Cass can ride better, we will ride everywhere again.

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