Friday, October 1, 2010

The Broadway Lion King Show

We bought tickets to the Broadway Lion King show a year before it came to Utah. We gave the tickets to the girls for Christmas. We finally got to go on August 12th. Grandma Debby came with us. She was the one who got to the ticket office early on opening sales day and got us tickets!!! We were so excited! It was an amazing show! It was worth every penny we spent. Cassady loved the whole thing. She kept asking what was going to happen. I didn't realize she had not watched the movie. Kylee's favorite movie was Lion King. She would watch it once a day if I let her when she was little. Her and I had it memorized and could repeat the lines from the movie.
The whole crew after the show!

Before the show started Cass wanted to take a picture of Josh and I. I kept forgetting that the camera we had flashes twice and I kept moving after one flash. This one turned out really pretty good. Cass and I waiting for it to begin.
A big thanks to Sarah for watching the twins for us. We thought Addie would have a hard time, so we brought a bunch of things for Addie to do. Addie was fine and AJ cried a lot.

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