Thursday, February 19, 2009

Twins-boy and girlI Went to the Doctor again today. Both babies are head up, in the breech position. I have given up on their positioning. They are obviously still turning and moving fine, since they are in a different position every time. Besides that they look great. Good strong heartbeats. I have another Ultrasound in 2 weeks. I haven't been walking at all so I was worried about my weight gain, but I only gained 3 pounds. Yeah!!!! Everything looks great! There was a nurse in training or something like that, so he did a more detailed ultrasound and explained a few things to here. It was for her benefit, not mine, but it was really interesting. Stuff about the membrane separating them and the 3- vessel cord and the pockets of fluid. He also said that he had 7 sets of twins right now. The most he has ever had. He doesn't know if he has just had a lot or if there is just a surge of twins right now. Seven for one Dr. is crazy. I have one more week to go then I can stay in the valley to have them. I am suppose to keep better track of my contractions. I try to just ignore them, unless I think they are coming regularly. Then when I do pay attention they go away. So he asked me to keep better track of them.

I can't stand up after getting down, I am always asking Cass to get me stuff off the floor. I have to do laundry on days when the girls are home so they can get the clothes out of the dryer for me. Sleeping or staying asleep is hard. I wake up every hour and have to roll over usually because that hip aches. When I look at the weeks I have left it seems close,until you translate those weeks into months or days. I just keep counting by weeks.

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